In the first book of this series, Trouble is a Friend of Mine, teen sleuths Zoe and Digby follow the trail of Digby's long lost sister in a whirlwind adventure that is both completely mad and absolutely brilliant. While they don't find Digby's sister, they do solve another cracking case and along the way a life-long friendship is formed. Or so it seemed.
When we return to the characters in the second instalment in the series, Zoe has transformed into one of the popular kids at school with a 'normal' life, and Digby is nowhere to be found. With a group of girlfriends around her and a boyfriend in tow Zoe feels her life is finally on track to reach her Princeton goals. Until Digby returns, that is, shrouded in more mystery than ever before...
I can't believe it took me so long to read this book because it was absolutely brilliant! I loved being back with Zoe, Digby, Felix and the gang super sleuthing like Veronica Mars. On top of that there were plenty of developments that gave me the warm and fuzzies, making this an all around kick-ass and feel-good read perfect for a pick-me-up on a rainy Sunday afternoon (or any time really, because you should all be reading this one asap regardless of time, place or weather).
Compared to the first book I felt this one was slightly more mature and action-focussed, but still filled to the brim with the hilarious escapades and witty remarks that made me fall in love with Stephanie's writing (and Digby!) in the first place too. The characters and the unfortunate situations they land themselves in are just such fun, and the comedy jumps off the pages amid the excitement and super intriguing mystery plot too.
Not to mention that there is some excellent character development too; raw and honest as well as surprising, making this a stand-out read not only for the story but for the characters too. You'll fall in love with their antics in the first book and they turn into real-life people in the second, flaws and all (but not any less loveable).
Trouble Makes a Comeback is an excellent teen mystery, filled with hilarity and mystery, and super clever super sleuths that are hugely fun to be around (even in a fictional world). While the book could be read as a stand-alone I highly recommend starting with Trouble is a Friend of Mine, because it provides helpful insights into the characters' backgrounds and, more importantly, because it's awesome.
This is easily one of the best contemporary teen series out there right now, and really should get more recognition for its ace characters, hilarious escapades, and witty dialogue. I loved it so much I won't even grumble over its open ending, just bring on the next one already!

Trouble Makes a Comeback is published by Hot Key Books and you can get your copy from Foyles or your own preferred retailer.
Connect with the author:
Twitter: @stephanietromly

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