Get your own #stagey tote here
Last Friday was another brilliant meet-up with fellow theatre bloggers, organised by the lovely Rebecca from Official Theatre. After 'Gin-gling' at Central and Co and another cocktail-heavy night at Soho Grind, this time around us theatre lovers ventured all the way to Hollywood er.... Planet Hollywood for another fabulous chinwag with food, drink and lots of stageyness.
Personally I'd never been to a Planet Hollywood (though I've passed loads on my travels) so I was particularly excited to peak into the elusive venue – and our summer-themed private room was pretty awesome; from the floor resembling a pool to the Hoff's trunks from Baywatch on display (which was simultaneously revolting – what if he has actually worn them?! – and bizarrely fascinating).
After an introduction from Rebecca, who was looking particularly amazing in a bright suit printed with palm trees, there was plenty of for mingling and chatting to fellow bloggers and I think I've met more people this time around than I have at the previous two events combined. I must be getting a little better at this socialising lark!
There was OF COURSE also another puntastic Twitter content, though after a particularly rough week at work I was all punned out and couldn't come up with anything more exciting than that I was 'venturing Into the (Holly)Woods'. Needless to say, I did not win any cocktails. That was totally fine though, as there was plenty of wine and yummy food (including mini burgers and an amazing Mexican tortilla-thing forgetting the name of) to keep us going for the night.
Rebecca also awarded some prizes to bloggers who'd been particularly awesome at uploading their theatre seat reviews to the Seat Plan website and a super-blogger award (which was a pineapple and a bottle of Prosecco, win!) to the blogger who'd seen the biggest growth in recent months. I was definitely feeling inspired to make my own blog bigger and better after that!

The Hoff's trunks....
Massive thanks to Official Theatre, SeatPlan and Planet Hollywood for the smashing evening! And to West End Wilma for the fabulous tote bag, which will make my grocery shopping a lot more #stagey from now on.
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